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「 ピクセル 」

n.  pix·el (/pikuseru/)

"A minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed."

Pixel art has been dated for more than 20 years, and it is still alive up to this day. Aspiring artists who continues on creating pixel artworks and animations, sees the beauty of this type of art style - art that has been heavily influenced by nostalgia, childhood, and aesthetics. We aim to renounce some wonderful pixelated works of artists on the internet, which are grouped into 4 different "PIXELS" based on our observations: 千秋-chiaki., 響子-kyoko.,-kaede., 盾子-junko.

All artwork and photos used belong to the rightful owner.


Enjoy the beauty of nostalgia.

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